Celebrating 10 years at MICE

Welcome to a special edition of our blog as we celebrate a huge milestone—10 years at the Melbourne International Coffee Expo (MICE). It’s pretty wild; it feels like only yesterday we were the new kids on the block at MICE, just a small team with big dreams and a lot of enthusiasm.

A lot has changed over the years—our booth, our crew (some are still here), and even the tech we use to whip up our signature coffee blends. But despite all the changes and innovations, some things haven’t budged: our love for coffee, our drive to be the best, and our tight-knit ties with the coffee community. These are the things that have really kept us going and have been the foundation of our journey in this big-little industry. This celebration is as much for you as it is for us. Thanks for sticking with us and for all the thumbs-ups along the way.

This year wasn’t just any year; it was a chance to look back on a decade filled with new ideas, learning, and community. We didn’t just show up; we celebrated ten years of growing together and feeling grateful. So stick around as we look back on some of those earlier days and reflect on the many cups of coffee we’ve shared together!




Our debut year at MICE and wow, can you spot the resemblance? Back then, chic and rustic was all the rave, and we had the branding to match. Our MICE booth – a true DIY labour of love, crafted almost entirely from recycled materials. We hammered together the tables, frames, shelving, pretty much everything ourselves. Our coffee bags were brown craft paper, hand-stamped and hand-labeled, can’t say I miss those late nights!

The layout of our coffee bar, though rustic, did offer subtle hints into the future Zest – Espresso on one side and filter on the other. Red Hario V60s perched on Chemex brewers, with Hario Buono stovetop kettles at the ready. And those hessian sack curtains? Pure makeshift charm. It feels like a lifetime ago, yet it’s only been a decade.




2015 marked a significant evolution for Zest with a major branding overhaul. We introduced the bold “Z” logo and adopted a new washed navy colour scheme, along with fresh fonts and packaging. Our booth also saw a substantial upgrade, sporting a sleek, modern design with clean-cut timber and chic navy tiles. While a substantial investment from us at the time—our stand was buzzing with excitement which was fantastic to see.

Staying true to Zest’s style, we maintained separate stations for espresso and filter coffee. We upgraded our Hario equipment to a trendy copper range, significantly enhancing our filter coffee setup. We also featured several new coffees, freshly sourced from a recent origin trip to Costa Rica earlier that year. The success of 2015 really made us feel at home and confident that we were on the right track!




2016 brought another thrilling chapter at the Expo, with further enhancements to our booth, prominently featuring our iconic ‘Z’ logo across four large retail islands. This year, we launched our first public flight experience, dubbed the ‘Flight of Flavour,’ which, despite a $25 a ticket, saw high demand.

Drawing inspiration from the wine industry, we showcased five exquisite micro-lots, each brewed via pour-over and served in stemless wine glasses. Our flight pilot, Rob McDonald, poured the filter coffee through a wine aerator to further elevate the coffee’s unique characteristics. This innovative approach to coffee tasting resonated strongly with attendees, making it a standout success.




2017 saw us further elevate our branding with a few subtle refinements for a cleaner look and feel. We revamped our micro-lot packaging to include a distinct coffee terrain/flavour depiction, slightly similar elements which you may recognise as inspiration for our current branding. That year, we had a large ‘Arc de Triumph’ style Zest hanging signage, an eye-catching addition to our booth.

And for the first time ever, we offered a very special micro-lot coffee and dessert pairing, which turned out to be a huge hit, drawing mile-long queues. It was a fantastic experience, albeit a lot of work.

We also debuted the Hipster Brewer, an innovative filter coffee brewer featuring highly customisable adjustments. 2017 was indeed a great year which we still receive commendations on to this day!




This year, riding high from our recent victories at the Australian International Coffee Awards, our team arrived at the expo filled with energy and excitement. Our booth showcased two exciting innovations: the cutting-edge Sanremo Opera 2.0 espresso machine at the espresso bar and the stylish Goat Story GINA brewer for filter coffee.

It was also our first year hosting the ‘Art of Blending’ workshop, where attendees were given the opportunity to craft their own blend from a line-up of unique origins. The workshop turned out to be such a hit, that it’s become one of our staple events, which we now host regularly throughout the year. Our 5th year in a row at MICE – an absolute success!




2019 was a pivotal year for us, marked by the unveiling of a new brand identity, one that better reflected our values and mission, and could carry us into the future for years to come. It was all about honing in on what makes Zest, Zest and celebrating the wonderful community that has been part of our journey. From the producers, roasters, and baristas, it was about finding balance and embracing our core values: exploring diverse flavour terrains, nurturing our Coffeekind community, and achieving the perfect balance in every cup.

No better way to celebrate our transformation than with the legendary MICE community, and we pulled out all the stops for our booth this year. On the espresso side, we introduced the new Decent Espresso machines alongside founder John Buckman, featuring coffees sourced during our most recent origin trip to PNG. On the filter side, we offered a full brew bar experience showcasing five exquisite micro-lots, complemented by a scratch and reveal competition to identify the origins of each flight – it was a lot of fun!

Additionally, we treated attendees to a new product – our very own Zest Kombucha on tap, which drew enthusiastic crowds throughout the event!


2020 & 2021


Often referred to as the Covid years, not only presented some unique challenges for us, but for the entire coffee community. Sadly, on both occasions, our eagerly anticipated exhibits at MICE were cancelled at the last minute. These cancellations were a result of ongoing concerns and uncertainties related to COVID-19 infections. Despite these setbacks, we remained committed to connecting with our community and finding innovative ways to share our passion for coffee during these trying times.

However, the quieter years presented an opportunity to redirect our energy towards another long-standing goal—establishing a flagship store in Melbourne. This project had been on the drawing board for years and represented the final piece of the puzzle for our expanding business. With newfound focus, we began the search for the perfect location to set our roots and continue our growth.




2022 marked a monumental year for us at MICE. After two quiet years, our eagerness to return to MICE was greater than ever—and so was our stand, the largest we’ve ever hosted. We set up six separate flight stations, each dedicated to showcasing a farm from our origin trips, allowing attendees to taste the distinct flavours from various coffee origins.

Our espresso bar was equipped with four single-group coffee machines, each serving one of our signature blends, with the machines’ back panels vividly decorated with blend decals.

Centrally located was our cupping area, where we hosted back-to-back cupping sessions with our suppliers, giving attendees a hands-on experience with our coffee’s journey from bean to cup.

Adding a fun twist to our booth, we introduced a novel claw machine. By following us on Instagram, visitors earned a token to try their luck at grabbing coffee, apparel, and other goodies. This year, we were lucky enough to be positioned next to the World Coffee Championship arena, which not only created huge buzz around the stand, but also allowed us to mingle face-to-face with the world’s top coffee talent – a truly vibrant and engaging highlight of the year.




2024’s lead up to the MICE was unexpectedly swift. Initially, we hadn’t planned to exhibit, given the significant investments and efforts surrounding our big 2022 presence and the opening of our flagship studio in Richmond, which was a substantial financial undertaking, it meant we had to skip a couple of years. However, as the event drew closer, circumstances shifted, allowing us to make a sudden, albeit exciting, return to MICE.

This year, thanks to the generous support of the MICE organisers, we were fortunate to secure two prime locations at the expo. A central booth, providing us with ample space to showcase our flagship offerings, and one smaller outpost dedicated to special activations.

At our central booth, we maintained the classic Zest setup—espresso on one side and filter coffee on the other. Coffee aficionados were treated to our signature blends, Blackbird and Corcovado, as well as a new seasonal blend, Autumn Serenade. These offerings were brewed using the latest equipment from La Marzocco, including the new Strada S ABR, the SWAN grinder, and a WOLLY, a first even for us!

Behind the filter bar, we showcased four enticing coffee flights: Colombian Innovations, Ecuador Pillcocaja, Ninety Plus, and an exclusive Australian coffee flight – this one really resonated with audiences. As one of only three roasters at the expo, the lines for coffee were inconceivable!

At our smaller outpost, we hosted three engaging activities: the “Game of Tongues” coffee tasting challenge, where participants tried to identify the origin, process, and varietal of different coffees to win fantastic prizes, an “Intro to Cupping” masterclass conducted by our expert team of Q-graders, and the “Barista’s Choice” workshop, allowing the public to select our next micro-lot offering.

Given the short notice, it’s amazing to think we pulled it off. We had such a wonderful time being bak at the Expo and sharing our love for coffee and the community!


10 years and counting!


So, where does it end? The answer is simple, it doesn’t. As long as we’re brewing, you’ll more than likely see us at the nation’s most prestigious coffee expo. Why do we love it so much? Because MICE is more than just a gathering for coffee enthusiasts; it’s a vibrant hub for the community. It’s where we can fully express our passion for coffee, forge epic connections, and immerse ourselves in the rich tapestry of the world’s finest coffees.

It’s not just an event; it’s where our spirit meets our craft, celebrating all things coffee. Here’s to many more years of innovation, community, and excellent coffee at MICE!

We’re looking forward to seeing you again with Zest Coffee at the Melbourne International Coffee Expo!