Amazing Ethiopian Safari…

Zest team member, James Craig, met with our coffee partner,Trabocco, on an amazing origin adventure in the wonderful rural world of Ethiopia – the birthplace of coffee! James toured the legendary coffee growing regions such asYirgacheffe, Sidama,GujiandDijima…
Famous for its varietal diversity, Ethiopia has unique wild heirloom varietals that exhibit a wonderful array of exotic flavours not seen in coffees from anywhere else across the globe. Coffee is traditionally grown in small lots and hand-picked by family farmers and brought in cherry to the washing stations. Here the coffee is processed, washed and dried. Terrace after terrace of raised African drying beds line the hills around the washing station and the coffee is hand sorted by local women.
Ethiopian coffee is indeed outstanding in its characteristic fruity flavour.
Have a look at these pictures and videos to experience and enjoy thesitesand sounds of our safari.