You’ll see this represented, sometimes subtly, sometimes quite boldly, by a diagonal line. The diagonal line helps to tell the narrative of the many different sides to coffee production, sometimes polarised by the audience––between those who want to know everything about the coffee, and those who just ‘love a good cup’, sometimes just the two different sides to a story of a coffee, and sometimes it might represent the balance of the flavour we pride ourselves on reaching with our roast profiles.
The diagonal is ingrained in our brand story, just as balance is. The balance of our personal values as a company––how we balance experience with exploration, innovation with tradition, and of course the balance of culture and place, which as a roaster founded in a city like Melbourne plays a huge part of our journey.
The diagonal line also pays homage to our trusty old Z, which reminds us the strong foundations on which the ever-evolving, progressive company we know and love today were created.
The linear device (/) represents Zest as the perfect balance; a balance founded on the philosophy that coffee is for everyone, exploring different ways to have coffee with the everyday consumer in mind, without losing out on flavour and exquisite taste. Zest is a balance of experience and exploration with sharing and connection at its core. It’s these balances and values that showcases Zest as both the leader and innovator in the coffee market; recalling past experiences and unafraid to explore the future.